Makapuu to Manoa
beginner's hike, hot, great views of shoreline
easy/med slippery rocks, not clear marked trail,popular swimming holes,
dragon's nostrils(blowhole), careful when big surf! very dangerous
med dont go high tide or big surf.loose rocks, narrow sections,close to waves
breaking, hot, lots of tidepools, caves, pele's chair, rock formations
puka: med,
some rock climbing, hot, exposed ridge, big drops, makapuu puka photo spot,
views of sealife park
ridge: easy
beginners just walk up road, illegal, used to have deadmans catwalk, hidden
stairs, great views
ridge: med,
ridge hike, hot, not much shade,awesome view at summit, easiest ridge hike,
cool heiau, illegal
trail: med
level hike, very steep, hard to find trailhead, great views, great photo opps,
2: med
level hike, rock climbing, steep sections, slippery sections, dangerous, great
views, fun hike
advanced, very dangerous, rock climbing, slippery sections, dangerous like you
fall you die
ridge (Kulanui
ridge):easy beginner's hike, easiest ridge hike, closed to public, illegal,best
views of waimanalo
ridge (Mauna
ohi ridge): med, slippery sections,easy to get lost since trail isnt that
clear, great views at top
pyramid rock:
med, not easy to find trail, slippery sections, rock climbing,climb down
pyramid rock fun but bit dangerous,easy to miss trail back down if doing loop
easy/med level hike. easy up to the picnic tables, med, safe hike, steep
stairs, awesome view at top, top is eroded so be careful, camping allowed, one
of the most popular ridge hikes, lots of people during weekends
easy beginners hike, walk in valley thru forest, well marked trail(except ends
w/out warning), short, birdwatching, no views, if raining hard theres
waterfalls in back
west(Pu'u O'Kona):
med level(loop is advanced), steep climb, lots of false summits, crumbly rocks,
slippery sections,cross over is longer then you would think, steep part with
slippery dirt
advanced hike, dangerous, rock climbing, very dangerous, steep sections, loose
rocks, awesome views, you fall, you die sections
ridge: med
level ridge hike, lots of trees, easy ridge hike except for final summit, very
steep with ropes, great view,loops trail to Hawaii loa is advanced (big drops)
and easy to miss the connector loop
loa ridge:
med level ridge hike, need drivers license to access trail, limited parking,
great hike, well marked, stairs to top, steep, great view at top waimanalo and
ridge: med
level, ridge hike, overgrown sections, easy to get lost, steep, great views,
loops with Wiliwilinui advanced,connector trail steep
middle ridge:
advanced, hard to find, trail overgrown, battle thru the uluhe to get to the
top, easier to take regular ridge trail
ridge: med
level, need drivers license trail, limited parking,trail is beginners trail
till swing, steep sections, stairs,false summit, great views
iki ridge:
med level, closed hike, overgrown, havent done this one yet
ridge: med
level, harder hike that takes as long to summit as the return trip from all the
up/downs, views of Ka'au crater, summit views awesome,
beginners to first falls, med level to third falls, mid/advanced summit/loop,
best hike on island,semi illegal, limited parking, 3 waterfalls, a hidden volcano,
ridge hike, great views
crater other falls: advanced,
slippery, rock climbing, spikes needed, dangerous if flowing fast, some falls
hard to climb
olympus (Waahila
ridge): beginners waahila ridge trail, med mount olympus trail, long, lots of
steep hills, summit view is breathtaking,
Kolowalu: beginners hike but so steep
and doesnt really count as its just another access to Waahila ridge trail
beginners trail, easy well marked trail, nice view at top of Manoa valley,
great picnic spot, short hike, has connector to Waiakeakua falls trail
falls: easy
beginners trail, hard to find, muddy, mosquitoes,easy to get lost, lots of
waterfalls, advanced if you climb the second to last waterfall via rope, loops
to Mount Olympus loops advanced(very long and not easy to find)
middle ridge: med
level hike, steep climbs, narrow sections, just views of valley until summit.
spring :
easy hike thru forest, hard to find trail, lots of mosquitoes, historic site,
muddy, slippery,not very exciting
easy/med level, slippery rocks, hard to find, easy to get lost, mosquitoes,
awesome tall waterfall!
easy/med level,slippery rocks, hard to find trail, med and tall waterfall at
the end
falls: med
level, slippery rocks, no trail, hard to find, dangerous during flash floood!,
tall waterfall.
beginners hike, well marked trail just renovated, muddy, tall waterfall,
crowded, city bus takes you there, great views of forest, super tall trees
Manoa falls:
med/advanced, steep climbing using roots and rocks. Crossing over falls if
flowing good is dangerous, steep climbs up to the upper upper falls bit
dangerous. Flash floods would be bad idea
beginners trail, donation to enter park, botanical garden, lots of flowers,
plants, small waterfall that doesnt really flow much, easiest waterfall hike
beginners trail, muddy, dark, mosquitoes, no views except forest, just a
connector trail to the tantalus hikes or Konahuanui
beginners/med level hike,crowded steep, hard, hot, almost 900 feet straight up
old railroad tracks, scary bridge in middle to cross(there is side trail around
it)false summit, awesome views of sandy beach to makapuu to Diamond head
crater loop:
advanced, narrow ridges, big drops, dangerous, illegal, hard to find connector
trails into/up from crater floor, hot, windy, crazy views,
crater stone arch:
med level, very steep, very slippery if you go under, hard to climb up the
bridge, great photo opps under the bridge,
craters new trail up:
med level, slippery, steep, hot, very hot, not used much,
beginners hike(to top), med level loop, steep sections if doing loop, very hot,
on paved road, illegal, great views of Hanauma bay,Koko crater and Diamond head
head stone arch:
med level, steep sections, hard to find if you dont know the way, dangerous
during big surf, very dangerous to stand on!, dont stand on it! hot hot hot!
head: easy
beginners hike, cost $$ to hike, crowded, walking up paved road and well taken
care of trail, great views from Koko head to ewa beach, steep stair sections,
dark tunnels, low roof,
head (from
outside crater): med/advanced. mostly medium hike till the almost top then its
very slippery with loose ground and no handholds. illegal, hard to find
trailhead (secret), great views, hard to get back to starting point.
Tantalus hikes:
flats, Nuuanu trail,Nahuina, Tantalus arboretum, Makiki valley, Kaneolole,
Maunalaha, Ualakaa, Moleka: All beginner hikes, walking thru forest, well
marked/maintained state trails, some have steep hills, some have slippery muddy
sections,mosquitoes, all 100% legal hikes!
trail: Easy
beginner hike, walking thru forest of tall trees, stream flowing, small
waterfalls, Jackass ginger pool to swim in, mosquitoes, slippery muddy
trail: Easy
beginner hike, walking thru forest, well maintained trail, joins with pauao
flats trail then to Konahuanui trail (med/advanced hike)
Nuuanu Valley hikes:
falls: Easy
beginners hike, very short,lots of mosquitoes, slippery rocks, there is a spot
for high jumping but dangerous, slippery sections,also had Alapena falls
lower down the stream, well know spot with locals
easy/med level hike, hard to find trail, the "easy" path is
trespassing and the grounds keeper will kick you out and threaten to call cops,
one of the most beautiful falls on Oahu!, steep climb,loose slippery
rocks,mosquitoes, muddy sections.also Upper Luakaha falls which is
slippery to get get to.
Kaniakapupu (Kamehameha III summer
palace:Easy beginners hike, very short, muddy, slippery, need permit to visit
here. Historic spot, if you go, dont climb on walls, dont touch rocks, dont
move anything, dont litter, respect the aina!!
beginners hike, hard to find trail, very scenic trail, muddy, slippery,
mosquitoes, awesome waterfall at the end,crowded, illegal unless you get
permit, car breakins are a big problem so dont leave anything in your car! no
bags of any kind, nothing of value, there is trail to the upper Lulumahu falls
but thats advanced, dangerous hike
falls: not
so easy beginners hike, hard to find trailhead and I do mean hard!, slippery
rocks, trailblazing, getting lost is the norm, falls are awesome if flowing tho
not much water flows down them but its a double waterfall AND there is a heart
shaped cave in the bottom/front! only goes in 50 feet or so and does have rats.
advanced hike, illegal, dangerous, rock climbing, narrow ridge walk, windy,
scary, muddy, slippery, continues up to Konahuanui which is advanced super
dangerous hike!
med/advanced hike,illegal, very dangeous, some sections are a foot and half
wide with 2,000+ foot drops and nothing to hold on to, muddy, slippery, windy,
rock climbing, Pali puka scenic spot,trail continues up to Lanihuli which is
advanced dangerous hike for pros
beginner/med level hike, hard to find, muddy, slippery, short hike, not much
water flows down but when it does, awesome waterfall because the water flows
upside down! the strong winds from the Pali blow the water up! Almost nothing
reaches the bottom of the falls
valley falls:
beginners level hike to first two falls, med level for rest, slippery, very
slippery, rock climbing, wet rock climbing, hard to find trail, fun part is
going thru mud filled tunnel to first falls, flash floods dangerous, mosquitoes,
trail continues up to Lanihuli but thats advanced hike.
other side of Pali trails
demonstration trail:
not so easy beginners hike, very long, very very long, well maintained,
slippery, forest hike, from Pali all the way to Waimanalo, connector trail to
Maunawili falls (over grown trail),not much climbing
falls: easy
beginners hike if taken from golf course, not so easy level from Pali
lookout,steep trail back up, easy to get lost, muddy, slippery, mosquitoes, great
waterfall thats usually flowing year round
trail: not
so easy beginners hike, very long, great views of forest and koolaus, slippery,
ending bit confusing, one way trip to Hoomaluhia gardens. getting back to Pali
hard part, mosquitoes
falls: easy
beginners hike, muddy, slippery, easy to get lost, stream crossings, crowded,
very muddy, super muddy, mosquitoes, great popular waterfall with swimming
hole,three levels of jumping spots, some very high! there is an upper falls you
can get to by swimming in the pool and climbing up. you can also access the
falls via Maunawili demonstration trail but thats a very long hike.
moss slides:
med level hike with some scary sections, steep climbing, muddy, dangerous,
mosquitoes, easy to get lost, hard to find trail, bridge is dangerous (one
person at a time)drain pipe is dangerous since its slippery and moss covered!
the drop below is about 15 onto rocks (dont fall off), moss slides are fun,
there is small falls at the top of the left slide
Olomana (three peaks): tough
beginners hike to the big rock section, mid level up to first and second peak
(if you're very careful), advanced to third peak. steep sections, rock
climbing, narrow ridges, big drops, you fall you die sections, dont go if
raining, one of the more/most dangerous hike on the island, awesome 360 degree
views at top, parking is bad with lots of break-ins, police will turn u away if
they are there, still one of the best hikes on the island!
countour hike:
beginners hike that follows the base of Olomana and will lead to the backside
if you want to climb that (dangerous advanced hike). very muddy, lots of pigs, easy
to get lost, not much views, hot and sticky
Anamolo: advanced hike, climbing
down/up the backside of Olomana, rock climbing, dangerous falls, dont do if
raining, (haven't done)
ditch trail:
Easy beginners hike, short, not really a trail more of a connector trail to
Maunawili demonstration trail or the Olomana backside trail, muddy, lots of
horse poo, and you share the trail with horses. leads to a tunnel trail but
thats hard to find and probably illegal
West of the Pali hikes:
via Kapalama:tough
beginners at start, med level rest of the way, long hike, ridge hike with lots
of ups and downs, slippery sections, rock climbing, steep climb to top at the
ending, great views if not cloudy, can be reached from Pali lookout but thats
advanced trail.
tough beginners hike, few great views of valley, and graffiti covered water
tower, narrow sections, slippery forest floor, rock climbing, stair climbing,
there is loop hike but the ending trail hard to find, there is also waterfall back
in valley which is slippery, overgrown, no trail, great double level waterfall.
Think this trail also connects to Lanihuli but not 100% sure.
ice ponds:
beginners hike, very short hike, steep sections, illegal, slippery sections,
limited parking, lots of mosquitoes, great waterfall with ice cold swimmiing
valley waterfalls:
beginners/med level hike, illegal, easy to get lost, bushwhacking, slippery
rocks, muddy, mosquitoes, long, no trails, nice medium level waterfalls
advanced hike, very dangerous, steep climbs, narrow ridges, loose rocks, you
fall you die sections, hard to find trail, eroded sections, danger danger hike!
don't do it (haven't done)
trail (Kahualui):
med level hike most of the ways, advanced near top, slippery sections, rock
climbing, very long, narrow sections, you fall you die sections, awesome Ohia
forest at the top, great views of Kailua and beyond if clear,
level hike, advanced near top, long hike, hard to find trailhead, slippery
sections, rock climbing, exposed ridge if you cross over to middle ridge, great
views at top if clear (haven't done)
valley trail
(Moanalua valley): easy beginners trail, muddy, slippery, historic valley with
bridges, sacred rock, old house thingys, chimneys, mosquitoes, old staircase,
more bridges, no climbing, long,hot
beginners/med level hike, long, slippery , muddy, stream crossings, slippery
rocks, hao sections so dont hit your head, easiest trail to the KST, awesome
birdseye view of the H3 tunnel, great views of Haiku valley and beyond, windy,
dangerous at top if you go too close to edge, there is trail to stairway to
heaven, this isnt it! the connect trail there (moanalua saddle) is very eroded,
narrow, slippery, muddy, dangerous trail. you fall you will die kind of
dangerous, dont do it. there is also trail to stairway to hell in the opposite
direction thats an advanced hike for daredevils, narrow sections, slippery
sections, rock climbing, crumbly rocks, you fall you die sections
hill ridge:med/advanced
level hike, long, hard to find trailhead, steep sections, narrow sections,
overgrown sections,uluhe fern to battle with,
trail: med
level hike,steep sections, overgrown, hard to find, (haven't done)
middle (Pu'u Keahi a Kahoe): med level hike, long, steep, narrow sections, slippery
sections, exposed sections, windy, hot, rope sections, rock climbing, popular
way to get to the stairway to heaven, cross over narrow, slippery,
muddy, dangerous, not very long, illegal
valley waterfalls:
beginners/med level hike, long, hot, slippery rocks, hard to find trail, only
good to go when/after raining hard, awesome tall waterfall, crashed airplane
parts on the trail too, there are other waterfalls to find besides the main one
med/advanced hike, long long long!, overgrown, hard to find trail, (haven't
trail, well cleared/maintained trail, slippery sections, muddy, cool views of
H3, heiau at beginning, state trail, fun hike for whole family, restrooms and
picnic tables at start, lots of parking
ridge trail:
beginner/med level hike, long, hot, narrow sections, great views along the way,
overgrown some sections, steep, rock climbing, great views of Kahaluu and
falls (Aiea
loop falls):Beginners/med level hike, short, steep, slippery rocks, muddy, cute
waterfall but needs rain to flow good. mosquitoes
ditch trail(McCandless
ditch): easy beginners hike if you're not afraid of dark tunnels, confinded
spaces and maybe a roach or two. easy trail, super long tunnels (one we did was
1/2 long), cool caves, well marked and cleared, lots and i mean lots of dog poo
on this hike!, cmon people, pick up after your pets!, there was supposed to be
a swimming hole and waterfalls but it was dry when i went
middle ridge:med/advanced
level hike, very long, slippery rocks, climbing, narrow ridges, overgrown,
(haven't done yet)
tunnels hike:
easy beginners hike thru 9 tunnels, muddy, dark, scary, well cleared regular
trail, low roof. can access Waimanu falls if after the last tunnel you head
down into the valley, steep, slippery rocks
ridge trail:
med level hike, very very long, slippery sections, well maintained state trail,
(haven't done yet)
ridge: med
level hike, very long, hot, rock climbing, lots of ups and downs, steep
sections near summit, awesome views at top if clear, very well maintained state
beginners hike, steep sections, well maintained state trail, swimming hole,
waterfalls, jumping of rocks, swinging on ropes, mosquitoes,loose rocks, muddy,
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