Today (April 28th) was my birthday and I had no weddings to shoot, so its hiking time! Where to go hmmm, where else, Olomana! Haven't been there in a long time so perfect hike. Think this is my 11th time since this is one of my fav hikes.
I parked by the bridge and this time, all the cars were on the left side. Guess cars that park on the right side have higher chance of getting your car getting broken into. Remember to leave nothing in your car when you go hiking. Don't give anyone reason to break in your car. I even leave my doors unlocked since I have nothing in my car.
Time to head to the guard shack. Super friendly guy working there. Such a boring job just sitting in that little house all day by yourself.
Took the entrance by the guard shack. I dont like walking wayyy over to the other entrance. This one is shorter getting to top but way harder since its all up a steep hill.
And there she is, Olomana!! The first half isnt that hard, just the part that goes straight up is killer!! But since you are under all the trees, you really can't tell that your going almost straight up!
Met two first time Olomana hikers so I had some company. Hi Katy and ugh, forgot his name!! Starts with a "K", and Katy called him KK? ugh, I'm totally rotten with names.. But they were so cute and energetic!! Not me....
My big problem was I just did Koko Crater yesterday and my legs were tired!! I did steps, then 1/3 way down west rim, then back up and half way down the east rim. Not too long in the hike and they left me in the dust lol
Got to the 2 big rocks dying of exhaustion! I was dragging my butt up by now. Think since I havent hiked that much lately, my body got fat and lazy! See my big gulp? It's almost gone! And Im still at the easy part of the hike.
Olomana's three poles? Soon the trail will start going up fast.
Getting steep and steeper as I went. By this time I was like 10 steps, squat down and gasp for breath lol.
Reaching the rock sections finally. Thats my fav part of Olomana, climbing up the rocks.
Ropes? I don't need no stinking ropes!! Not that many people so far on the trail. Met 2 or 3 couples heading down. Havent see the 2 kids so far..
Oo, do I see some light in the forest? Could it be I'm near the top?
Whew made it!!! Perfect day with nice, overcast conditions. By now all my suntan lotion was in my eyes even tho I just bought a new bottle to use that said wont sweat off lol.
I finally caught up with K&K at the top. Had few other haole boys enjoying the view at top of first peak. After short rest, I was going to show them the memorial plastic jar of the poor guy who died few months ago, but it was gone!! And the other plastic container in memory of another guy was gone too! What kind of person would remove it? I bet they just tossed it over the side. Some people really have NO class.
Looking over there, sure makes me with I just did the Lanikai pillboxes instead. Doesn't that water look awesome?
And made it to the second peak already. Had few people at the top. One girl just chatting on her cellphone since her husband went off to the third w/out her. Smart girl!!
This was the most fun part of the hike, going down the second peak!! I went first and got video of Katy coming down. She was gung ho! Poor thing made it to the tree and right there, she fell on her back. Glad she had grip on the rope. Only bruise was to her ego and we all had good laugh.
This section was way more slippery then last time I did Olomana. You have NO footing at all and I did same at Katy, just butt slide it down to bottom.
And made it to the bottom of the second peak!! There was a group going down in back of us. After short time, one turned back and headed back up. Then, short time later another gave up. Since it drops over 300 feet like straight down, it will really make you think "is this worth it?"
And sorry but that's my last picture.... I usually take a ton but I was having more fun with my gopro camera and was taking only video..
you can watch it here.
We all made it to the top pretty quickly and the two kids were beyond happy!! I was glad to get to share in their enthusiasm! We shared some crackers and water, took few pictures, then headed back.
Overall it took us little over 4 hours round trip and worth every second. Nothing better then hiking with a bunch of people who are out there to just have fun!!
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